A newly registered charity dedicated to tackling knife crime.
Our Winter sale is now on for up to 50% off our ENTIRE site! This is the perfect time to give back this season of giving. What better gift to give this year than one that gives back to a small charity with a hugely profound cause behind it. We rely on donations and support from the community to continue our fight against knife crime in Danny's memory. We appreciate your support more than you could ever imagine. Together we can try and prevent another sister having to spend a life time of Christmases without her big brother due to knife crime.
Meet the faces behind the charity, all dedicated and passionate about putting a stop to knife crime.

Chloe Castledine
Since losing my brother to knife crime, I have felt compelled to take action. After witnessing the consequences of failures from schools, universities, parents and the police I have been left with so many questions as to why so many people, who had the power to intervene, stood by and allowed this crime to happen. Using the experience of my own situation, I strive to be the person who provides intervention before it is too late, and keep as many people my age as safe as possible. if I can save just one sister from the debilitating grief I endure every single day then that will be enough.

Chair of Trustees
Alison Castledine
In June 2022 my world turned upside down when I found out Danny had been stabbed to death on holiday in Amsterdam. I was asked if I had spoken to Danny about knife crime. Quite simply no. He had never gotten into any trouble and his friends were not the kind to become involved in crime. Since that day, I have become more aware of how many innocent people, like Danny, are randomly murdered with knives. Something has to change. Danny is too special to be forgotten and I hope his legacy through the Danny C Foundation can make a difference to others.

Paul Castledine
There is nothing worse in this life than losing your child in such a horrific way and at such an early age. Devastating and life-altering for so many people. Grief is a life-long anguishing experience that I would not wish upon anyone. It has had a huge impact on Chloe, Danny's sister, and through sheer grit and determination she has worked so hard to launch this charity. Unfortunately, we now live in a society where there are a minority of people who have a complete disregard for life, and for their own extreme selfishness commit these crimes with no consideration for the consequences. I therefore wished to be a trustee for this charity in order to support education that will endeavour to drive home the message to children at an early age that carrying a knife is the wrong path to traverse, and to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.

Melanie Walters
As a parent, wife and friend it is difficult to face the unbearable thought of losing a loved one to knife crime. Since June the 1st 2022 I have witnessed the fatal consequences on the Castledine family. I believe no one should suffer a loss to knife crime. Every loss does not only take one life but has a tragic ripple effect throughout communities. It is a harsh reality that knife crime is on the rise and is not specific to background or social status, it can affect anyone. I am honoured to be a trustee of The Danny C. Foundation and am committed to supporting the Castledine's mission. Every individual has the right to exist safely and live a life free from violence.

Scott Walters

Rebecca Walters
We are a newly registered charity dedicated to tackling knife crime.